A Partnership with Multilateral Organizations and Global Academic Networks

Partnership with Multilateral Organizations:

The stewardship role of the World Health Organization has been fundamental in transforming the way mental health issues are perceived and prioritized globally. For the past four years Dr. Vigo has collaborated closely with PAHO and WHO to advance our understanding of the true burden of mental illness, improve the quality of care, and increase coverage.

The Burden of Mental Disorders in the Region of the Americas, 2018 (PAHO/WHO Reports and Webinars)

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). December 6, 2018.

Expert Panel Discussed Depression Challenges in the Americas

PAHO. April 6, 2017

English Version: The burden of mental disorders in the Americas: the 2018 PAHO report on mental, neurological, substance use disorders and suicide
Versión en EspañolLa carga de los trastornos mentales en la Región de las Américas, 2018

Vigo, D. on behalf of the Pan-American Health Organization. November, 6 2018.